Thou shall not eat flesh! Those words are all through-out the Bible so why do so called "Christians" and Jews ignore them?
Hello, my name is Melissa. I grew up eating meat, but when I became an adult I started questioning why do we eat animal flesh? I absolutely love animals. They bring so much joy. So why was I eating them? It made no sense to me. I loved my dogs more than anything. If someone hurt them, I would be devastated. I saw something very disturbing on the internet about people in Asian countries that eat dogs. I lost it. I cried for days. It was a post about people stealing beloved pets and boiling them alive so their meat would be tender. I was in shock. How could a person be so evil?
That evening, I held my doggies close and hugged them tight. I prayed. Dear Lord Why?
They have souls. They fear. They love. They play, They are beautiful creatures. God put them here for us to take care. They are our best friends. Why do these things happen?
I couldn't stop thinking about that post. What makes dogs different from any other animal? They all love. They all fear. They all play. They are all the same. We are all the same. We all want to live and be loved.
I grew up in a Christian home. Many Christians claim Jesus put animals here to eat. I beg to differ. Did they actually read their bibles and understand them as I did? I see something totally different from them. I follow Jesus, not Moses, not Abraham or any other prophet, I follow Jesus. So here goes. Jesus tells us many times through out the Bible. So why do people ignore him?
I became a vegetarian over 15 years ago and have never looked back. I don't miss eating meat.
When I used to prepare it, it grossed me out. It was disgusting so why was I Eating it? You season it with herbs to try to make it taste good. You marinade because it is gross. It doesn't taste good. The gravy is what tasted good. Not the meat. It was once a precious life. That did it.
I didn't want to be responsible for taking away anyone's life.
I was not going to stuff my face with another life just for the heck of it. It made me feel guilty.
Jesus said "Thou Shall not Kill" I knew it was the right thing to do.
Enough is enough. I know that Jesus loves all creatures and he did not put them here to suffer for people to stuff their faces.
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